
Corpus Christi 1991 Trinidad and Tobago

was 12238 days ago

In 1991, Corpus Christi in Trinidad and Tobago was , those 12238 days ago.

Observed by (+16): Austria, Bolivia, Colombia, Croatia, Dominican Republic, Germany, Haiti, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Poland, Portugal, San Marino, Timor-Leste, Trinidad and Tobago, United Kingdom, Venezuela.

Corpus Christi in other years

Corpus Christi 1992
Corpus Christi 1993
Corpus Christi 1994
Corpus Christi 1995
Corpus Christi 1996
Corpus Christi 1997

Corpus Christi in other languages

Chinese 基督聖體聖血節
French La Fête Dieu
German Fronleichnam
Italian Corpus Domini
Japanese 聖体の祝日
Portuguese Corpo de Deus
Russian Праздник Тела и Крови Христовых
Spanish Corpus Christi